Full text indexing with Rails 3, Solr and Sunspot

Searching using SQL LIKE seems very outdated these days. We have many full-text indexing solutions: lucene, sphinx, solr and others. Since Heroku supports only solr let’s see how to use it. Luckily it has a pretty good documentation. I’ll just cover the basic though, for more nice features such as facets, highlighting and more refer to the official wiki and documentation.


Add the required gem to your Gemfile:

gem 'sunspot_rails', '~> 1.2.rc4'

Create the necessary files:

$ rails g sunspot_rails:install

Add solr/data to your .gitignore file. Launch the server, which happens to be packaged with the gem:

$ rake sunspot:solr:start

Model configuration

You can define the indexed fields with the searchable method. Simple example (taken, as most of this writing, from the sunspot wiki):

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  searchable do
    text :title, :default_boost => 2
    text :body

Sometimes you might want to have some custom logic to define an attribute value. Blocks can then be useful:

text :categories do |post|
  post.categories.map {|cat| cat.name }

Field types



The plugin is smart enough to update the index when the model is saved, updated or destroyed. If you want to force reindexing run

$ rake sunspot:reindex

You will have to reindex whenever you’re changing the searchable definition, though.

Let’s start with a simple keyword search:

@search = Post.search do
  keywords 'foobar'

You can access the results objects in many ways:


By default it is on relevancy, but you can specify other orderings:

Sunspot.search(Post) do
  order_by(:blog_id, :asc)
  order_by(:created_at, :desc)


Similar to will_paginate’s pagination. You can have something like this:

def search_with_solr(limit = 50)
   s = Product.search do
     keywords self.q
     paginate :page => 1, :per_page => limit


To stub out RSOL add this line in a sunspot.rb initializer file:

Sunspot.session = Sunspot::Rails::StubSessionProxy.new(Sunspot.session)