Using GIT with SVN

Sometimes it might be useful to use Git to work on some existing SVN repositories. This allows you to work with local branches and lets you work offline.

Checkout the SVN rep

git-svn clone -s local_dir

Use the -s flag if the SVN rep has the standard trunk/branches/tags layout

cd local_dir git-svn show-ignore > .gitignore

Tell Git about the ignored files. Slow operation, later on add .gitignore to the rep

Local modifications using Git

Edit the files. When you’re done:

git add . git rm file_not_needed_anymore git commit

Send the new stuff to the SVN rep:

git-svn rebase

This will do a SVN update and apply the changeset to our working copy

git-svn dcommit

And there we go.

Local modification using a Git branch

git branch new_branch_name git checkout new_branch_name

(you can combine the two operations with git checkout -b new_branch_name)

Now you can edit the files. When you’re done:

git add . git rm file_not_needed_anymore git commit

Now it’s time to merge back the branch:

git checkout master git merge new_branch_name

If you want to combine all the branch’s commit into a single merge:

git merge --squash new_branch_name

Now it’s time to send the new stuff to the SVN rep:

git-svn rebase

This will do a SVN update and apply the changeset to our working copy

git-svn dcommit

And there we go.

Undoing changes

If you didn’t add changes to the changeset yet:

git checkout filename

If you did you have to reset the changeset first:

git reset HEAD filename
