My Computers

Computers of my life:

Atari 2600

Image source: Wikipedia

My very first computer when I was a kid in the early 80s. I was using the family TV as display.

I remember playing games like Jungle Hunt (1982) and Decathlon (1983).

Commodore 64C

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My second computer, bought when I was in elementary school in the late 80s. I plugged it to a green-phosphore monochromatic Philips display and I remember learning Basic and playing Ghosts’n’goblin (1986), loading it by tape. We weren’t cool enough for floppy disks yet.

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Amiga 500

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I think I bought this in 1988. At that time it felt incredible. Rocket Ranger (1988) was one of my favourite games and the graphics were considered amazing.

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Amstrad ALT-386SX

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A black and white laptop. Color LCD was something we still dreamt of. 20MB Hard disk! 80386SX 16Mhz! I played Wing Commander I (1990) & II (1991) with it, some of my favourite games ever.

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64MB RAM! It was running Windows 95. I remember having lots of crashes with a SCSI scanner and that made me try Linux (RedHat 5.0) for the first time. I remember compiling my first kernel in 1997, v2.0.33.

Some more PCs

I can no longer remember the details, but the OS went from Windows 98 to 2000 to XP. A favourite game was Return to Castle Wolfenstein (2001).

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Apple iBook G4

Image source: Wikipedia

First mac I ever bought, 2004, it was very cool at that time because it felt microscopic. It was running OSX 10.3 Panther.

Apple PowerMac G5

Image source: Wikipedia

Dual CPU! Bought when I was into Maya and 3D CGI. Wonderful computer, the fan spinning and chirping sounds were annoying though.

Apple MacBook Pro

I went through many models and sizes: Intel, M1, 13”, 15”, 14”.